Writer Wednesday – James D. Sanders

1. Who are you? James D Sanders
2. What type of stuff do you write? I am an author of Urban/Street Lit, Suspense/Thriller Fiction, as well as poetry.
3. What do you want to pimp right now? My debut Urban/Street Lit novel “Situations” was released on 01/01/15, and is available in paperback and E-book format on Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.
4. What is your favorite book? My favorites cross a few genres. Inferno – Dan Brown, Heart Shaped Box – Joe Hill, Do or Die – Darren Coleman
5. What other hats do you wear besides the writer hat? I am also a husband and a personal fitness trainer.
6. What link can we find you at? Sandersjames.wordpress.com and http://www.facebook.com/authorjamessanders

Overcoming Writers Block

I would have to say that one of the most interesting things, or at least unorthodox things about my writing process occurs when I’m writing some form of a story. It’s common for me to hit a point of writer’s block that sometimes shuts me down for days or even weeks. The way that I seem to always overcome it is one that is almost completely out of my control. I will usually find myself rereading a chapter or two of the book I’m working on at random. While I’m sleeping, I will actually dream the next phase of the story. When I awake, I am usually able to put a few thousand words down without a problem, as if I never stopped writing.

Writer Wednesday – Jill Ranney-Campbell

Who are you?
Jill Ranney-Campbell

What type of stuff do you write?
Urban Fantasy

What do you want to pimp right now?
My new release is The Awakening Celtic Rose Saga Book 2 and I’m working on Moonstruck Celtic Rose Saga Book 3

What is your favorite book?
I love the Hunger Games books, I’ve read them at least twenty times and could read them again.

What other hats do you wear besides the writer hat?
I’m a mother, a Sunday school teacher, a payroll clerk, and a caregiver for my grandmother.

What link can we find you at?
Jill’s FB Page
Jill’s Website


[Note: The author has been asked to do one guest post, chosen (mostly) from a list of topics… As writers can sometimes be overachievers, Jill has opted to do two of them…]

Jill’s First Con:

Imaginarium is going to be my very first con. I’ve seen the con’s on television and on the internet and always wanted to go to one but never had the chance until now. I’m excited to see what it’s all about and how everything comes together in the end. It will be my first experience as a panelist as well so I’m a little nervous about that, but I know it’s going to be great! With the venue for the con being in Kentucky, I’ll be able to finally see firsthand where my grandmother was born and raised and see all the places she talked about. She lived a stones through from the Churchill Downs and when she was asked when her birthday was she always said she was born on derby day. She loved watching the derby on her birthday every year and continued to do so on the television when she moved. Her stories led me to use Kentucky as the venue in my second book and will continue as the venue in my third and being able to see it firsthand is going to be a true inspiration in the writing process. I will also get to meet many of my favorite indie authors and the people behind the scenes of bringing the books to publication. This con is going to be a dream come true in more ways than one.

A Bit o’ Writing Advice:

The best advice I’ve ever been given applies to writing as well as any other aspect of my life. When I was writing I hit a block and was unable to get out of it. Even talking with my physical Muse, Josh, didn’t help when normally I get hit with inspiration immediately after one of our talks. I was down in the dumps for quite a while because I just couldn’t get an idea to flow to the paper. One day I was about ready to throw my hands up and throw down the pen (laptop actually) when I decided to confer with my fellow author friends on the Amazon forum to see if they had any advice. I can’t remember for the life of me which one told me, they all had wonderful advice and were so supportive of me on there that I know I received tons of advice but this one phrase is the one that stuck with me and I have lived by ever since. It was only three little words. “Never give up!” It’s such a short phrase, and so simple to remember that one wouldn’t expect it to have that much of an impact, but it did. I’ve taken this advice to heart and will continue to live by that for as long as I’m able. So I want to thank the person that gave me this advice even though I have no clue who it was (we all went by user names in there anyway), where they might be, or even if they’ll ever see this. Huge hugs to that person!

